Oils By Planck
Oil painting from Italy, Orvieto, Siesta (Italian Suite # 6)
Orvieto, Siesta (Italian Suite # 6)
24x30 Oil on Canvas

When you walk the back streets of Orvieto, a small hill town in Tuscany, you'd swear you´re back in the Middle Ages. Especially during siesta when virtually no one else is around to jerk your mindset back to the 21st century. And so it was on a hot, sunny day in June, after a long, lazy outdoor lunch with plenty of wine and pasta, as we strolled the hilly, winding streets. Occasionally the soft lilt of music from an upstairs window, or an old woman carrying a wicker basket of fruit or vegetables, or an even more rare motocicletta racing past us would briefly break the spell. Then we´d quickly lapse back to the 12th century once again.

This painting was accepted into the juried “Inspirations 2003&qrduo; exhibition at the Cornell Museum, Old School Square, Delray Beach, FL, and also into the 2003 Fine Art Juried Exhibition at the Schacknow Museum of Fine Arts, Plantation, FL.

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