Oils By Planck
Oil painting from Florida,  Ft. Lauderdale Beach II
Ft. Lauderdale Beach II
24x30 Oil on Canvas

There's no other beachfront quite like it. Ft. Lauderdale's is a very urban shoreline, yet it's still largely unpopulated by the towering highrises that hide so many others. The planners and the newspapers tell us that will probably be changing, however. So in the meantime we hope for the best and relish the unbroken simple beauty of what remains — the stretches of sand dotted with groups of coconut palms, the funky low white wall with its deco curlicues at the pass–throughs, those corny, old–fashioned streetlights, and even the usual offshore tanker awaiting its turn into the Port. What better place to join a friend for an afternoon bike ride before a rainy season storm and the off–season rush–hour traffic both start to build?

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